Today I want to tell you about a cool inhaler product called Aji Sparq. We were introduced to it a couple of weeks ago by my friend Tim Gates. But first, let me tell you about our search for such a product.
It all started this last summer (2013), my wife Laura and I were out in Utah visiting her family. During our visit we discovered that my sister in-law has asthma and an allergic reaction to the dander on her dogs and horses. She wasn't willing to give up her animals, so she chose to live with it. Eventually she made a doctor visit, and was prescribed an inhaler. My sister in-law decided that it would be a good idea to read about her inhaler before she used it. While reading about it she discovered that some of the side effects would not be pleasant at all. She began to stress out and worry because one of the side effects included the possibility of a fungus growing in her mouth, (which I completely understand why she was upset). She concluded that she didn't want to use the inhaler anymore. My mother in-law said that if she didn't want to use the inhaler, that she could get the allergy shots, which would be a five year process of going in once a week to receive an injection. From this, Laura and I began to think about how we could help my sister in-law.
One day she came in from tending to her horse having a hard time breathing. Laura and I had been talking about for a few days and had decided that the next time she had a difficult time breathing that we would have her use a respiratory blend of oils. Laura pulled out the blend and had her sister hold out her hands. She then placed two drops of the essential oil blend in her sister's hands, had her rub them together, then cup her hands over her nose. Laura had her follow these steps: take deep breaths through the nose, breathe out, then take a deep breath in through the mouth, breathe out, repeated twice. After the first round of breathing the oil blend she said that she already began feeling relief. Laura encouraged her to continue anyway. She continued and found complete relief. You can imagine the excitement Laura and I had at the success of the essential oils.
After this event we recalled hearing a rumor of an essential oil inhaler, we decided to investigate. We found out during our search that an essential oils accessory store had a product they claimed to be an essential oil inhaler. We went to the store and found one, before we bought it we had the cashier explain exactly how it worked. It sounded questionable but we were unsuccessful at finding anything else from anywhere else that was remotely similar to an inhaler than this tiny tank. After our purchase Laura and I tested it out to see how it worked and we were sourly disappointed. We had some serious reserves about giving this "inhaler" from the essential oils accessory store to my sister in-law, but we gave it to her anyway. We both kind of hoped that she wouldn't use it, and don't know now if she ever did.
The inhaler from the essential oil accessory store.
A few months after our visit to Utah, doTERRA had a convention in Salt Lake City, Utah. Laura and I could not attend, however, we were able to go to a post convention meeting in Nashville three weeks after. While we were at the event, there were a couple of booths set up. At one of them I saw my friend Tim Gates setting up a product.
Now, a little about Tim Gates. During my time as a young man, around high school age, Tim & Roberta Gates moved in my Church's congregational boundaries. Tim was called to be the Young Men's President shortly after they moved in. I was in the Young Men's program during his service as president. Tim did an outstanding job as a youth leader and made many friends among the youth. We all became admirers of him and how he was pursuing his dreams of becoming a country singer. After a few years, the Gates moved to Nashville to to further Tim's career in the music industry. We've kept in touch ever since and seen each other here and there. Tim & Roberta have also been in doTERRA for several years. Since our time in the same congregation, he has found success in the music industry. You may recognize him in the band Due West or The Nashville Tribute Band.
Tim Gates
Due West
The Nashville Tribute Band
To find out more about these bands and their music, click on one of these highlighted links: Due West and The Nashville Tribute Band.
Now, on with the story. Tim was standing at his booth when I walked up to it. We both greeted each other with a warm embrace and how do you do's. I then asked him about what he had at his booth. With a big grin, he said, "Aji Sparq." He then proceeded to tell me a little about his problem with allergies and asthma. He said he didn't like using an inhaler because of the side effects affecting his throat, and as a country singer, his voice was the means of his living. One day he noticed an e-cigarette and got an idea. He went out and bought an e-cigarette, took it apart, and replaced the Ethylene Glycol with Vegetable Glycerin* and added doTERRA's "Breathe" essential oil. He said he took one breath and exhaled, repeated, and found that it helped clear his airways amazingly. Well, from there he made some more modifications and started the Aji Sparq product line.
*Note: (Added 8/17/2014) We recently discovered that you can use Fractionated Coconut Oil as a more natural and better alternative to Vegetable Glycerin.
*Note: (Added 8/17/2014) We recently discovered that you can use Fractionated Coconut Oil as a more natural and better alternative to Vegetable Glycerin.
The Aji Sparq Vaporizer
Tim then reached down, picked up a box, and said, "You've got to try this." He pulled the vaporizer and started setting it up with the Vegetable Glycerin and "Breathe". I was kind of reluctant to try it because it looks like a cigarette. He finally talked me in to trying it. Once I agreed, he set it up for me and handed it to me. I put it up to my mouth placed it on my lips and inhaled. I felt the sensation of the Breathe oil blend in my throat and lungs, and as I exhaled and began to explain the sensation I was experiencing, vapors were expelling from my mouth. It kinda took me off guard, and Laura just looked at me as if it took her off guard as well. Tim started laughing and said, "No worries, it's just from the Vegetable Glycerin." He then told me a story about a time that he had to use it while preforming with The Nashville Tribute Band and he had some people freaking out thinking he was smoking.
From this experience Laura and I became very excited, and we look forward to sharing it with her sister who has respiratory difficulties, as well as any other friends or family that have breathing problems. We've seen how it works and know that it does work!
I've included a message from Tim Gates on the Aji Sparq. There is a link to the website where you can order an Aji Sparq from Tim. I've also added how you can get the doTERRA essential oils from us, either by signing up with a wholesale membership or buying retail.
"I suffered with allergies my whole life, and used every prescription
medicine I could find, with no relief. I notice that with all the medications
I was taking, I would constantly get sore throats, bloody noses and become
very fatigued.
As a professional singer I was looking for something to help me that
wouldn’t cause these side effects. I turned to an all-natural solution to my
problems, 100% pure essential oils ... with no side effects.
I needed a way to get these oils into my body as fast as possible and that’s when I started to develop a vessel that would do just that. I also wanted something that could pass through my dry nose and thus we created the AJI-SPARQ.
My friend Lucas, also a professional singer, had chronic dry throat and would use sprays while performing to keep his vocal cords fresh. When he tried my Sparq, it too changed his life. Together, we began perfecting the Sparq. When we began sharing our product with other singers, friends, and family members, they instantly felt a change on their first inhale and that's when we knew we needed to share it with the world.
The Aji-Sparq is a high-end vaporizer that diffuses these oils instantly by simply inhaling them through our Sparq. Based on the principals of the electronic vaporizers on the market today, Aji Sparq is the only one that is designed to vaporize pure grade essential oils.
I am a true testimony that this vaporizer is changing lives, as I no longer use any prescription medication for my allergies. I only use my Aji-Sparq with my 100% pure essential oils. So I challenge you to 'Inhale the Sparq'."
You can access the website for the Aji Sparq by clicking on here --> Aji Sparq
Also, if you have any questions or comments, feel free to contact my wife and I at: journeytopersonalfreedom@gmail.com